Meeting This Sunday! 3-5pm @ The Celtic Junction

Come to the General Meeting this coming Sunday March 3rd, 3:00 - 5:00 pm at The Celtic Junction! This month Tom Klein will give a Demonstration:

“Playing in A and what that brings to your piping”

This involves shifting well-known non-A tunes into "flute A" (few if any G#s, as apposed to "fiddle A" which can have G# landmines everywhere). So why play in A? I have found that it necessitates a good deal more upper-hand use (and therefore, hopefully breaking the death grip that afflicts that hand in a good many pipers, yours truly included), as well as (due to bouncing back and forth over the octave break) it gives a sound with much more closure. Very pippety-poppity. To go with this key change I have configured a bass A drone. As an exercise in A playing, I will teach either Saddle the Pony, The Dusty Miller, or Top it Off.

The meeting agenda is:

3:00  Club business (Dues, future events)
3:08  Tunes
3:50  Break
4:00  Demonstration: “Playing in A and what that brings to your  piping”
5:00  You needn’t go home but you can’t stay here

Speaking of dues, if you haven’t paid your 2013 dues yet, please do so here:

Hope to see you this Sunday!