General Meeting Sunday 03.02.2014

The next General Meeting of the Great Northern Irish Pipers Club will take place this coming Sunday 02 March 2014, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm at The Celtic Junction, 836 Prior Ave. N., St. Paul.

3:00 Club business: Welcome to the press; 
Dues; Tune Refresh Project
3:15 Tunes
4:00 Break
4:10 Hardware talk: making winter reeds; season-proofing reeds
4:30 Tunes
5:00 Adjourn

While I’ve got your attention, here are two quick reminders: February is Dues Month, so if you haven’t yet, please pay your dues at .
Also, the CIM-sponsored Martino Vacca seminar this Thursday evening at The Celtic Junction is now full. Thanks to all of you who have made this a sold-out event!

Hope to see you this Thursday or Sunday!