Tunebook is Up!
Here’s an early holiday present from the GNIPC to its members: the GNIPC Tunebook is up! Enjoy official GNIPC sheet-music, in PDF form, of GNIPC-related tunes: things we play and teach each other at general meetings, learn from visiting artists, and pick up from our favorite recordings.
Like our Tionól/seminar videos, for now we’re limiting Tunebook access to logged-on GNIPC members. This is because although the tunes themselves are almost entirely in the public domain, we respect the fact that our visiting artists have differing feelings on how freely the GNIPC should distribute their arrangements and interpretations.
Contact Mick Bauer (mick [at] wiremonkeys [dot] org) with your requests, submissions, or to obtain an editable version (MuseScore file) of any posted tune.